Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Winston Churchill

This is the truth.

My life is not how I thought it would be. It's not worse. Honestly my 16 year old self would probably be proud of 21 year old me. But then teenagers are pretty fucking stupid.

I don't have a boyfriend but I do have a child. He has red hair. His real father lives over seas and my ex, and previous alleged father, left me when he found out said child was not his and now only sees my son on the weekend. Briefly.

So I'm basically completely alone with my son. Which is actually ok. I don't mind living alone. I do miss sex. But then I'm labeling my vagina as a no fly zone at this point due to my extreme fertility. I may seem like a bad person. And maybe I am. I don't want sympathy.

They say time heals all. I do wonder though if I have broken my life beyond complete healing. I know I'll be OK. Just a big scar not a festering wound.

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