Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"When the blind lead the blind, no wonder they both fall into—matrimony. " George Farquhar

So I held a guys hand tonight. It's odd because I don't usually engage in such activities. But it's more odd that I actually enjoyed it.

I'm not saying it's love. And I still stick by my theories in my last post. But it did make me realise that despite my ability to be complete without a relationship I would still very much like to have some sex.

This idea presents a multitude of problems for me:
1 - I don't like to have sex with people I don't really trust.
2 - I don't like to have sex with people I actually like (for obvious attachment reasons)
3 - I want someone physically attractive.

Working in the industry I do (night clubs) I meet people constantly so you would assume finding someone that fits these criteria would be easy. Not necessarily. I don't date co-workers. I don't date regulars and I don't date within my friend group. I'm also quite a private person so friends of friends are essentially out too.

But tonight I met a guy that fits all the criteria. He is a friend of an acquaintance which is a gray area in my rules. He's attractive and he seems to like me too (hence the holding of hands).  And although I failed to "seal the deal" I have hope that a possible sexual partner exists in the near future. Whoop!

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